2020 Workshop

2020 Workshop
Below is a brief summary of the events that Bpart will be hosting for the 2020 virtual IDETC/CIE conference. For more detail see the “How to Participate” below. 

August 12 - Padlet Opens
Add discussion topics to the Padlet here. These discussion topics will help us shape our slack channels and our workshop breakout rooms.

August 17 - Slack Conversations Open
During the days leading up to the workshop we will open up discussions in our slack channel (based on the Padlet topics). Visit the channel here.

August 17 from 9 pm (GMT) 
5:30 pm (GMT-4) - Professional networking
A virtual "bring your own wine and cheese" to connect with other members of the bpart and IDETC/CIE community. The DED Executive Board will be joining the event and introducing themselves around 5:45. Zoom link here. 

August 18 at 8 pm (GMT-4) - Queer party
Join us for conversation, solidarity, and games. LGBTQ++ Folx, Womyn, and Allies at ASME IDETC Welcome. Zoom link here. 

August 19 at 1 pm (GMT-4) - Workshop on Collaborating with Co-authors
Interactive session on the topic of communicating and collaborating with co-authors. After the main session on co-authors, we will break into groups to continue conversations started on the slack.
At 1pm we will present and discuss on co-authors.
At 2:30pm, we will discuss the open topics from Padlet and Slack in breakout rooms.


We are taking the BPart Workshop online this year, due to IDETC 2020 being a virtual conference. Even though face-to-face connections and conversations have been a large part of our annual gatherings, we believe that hosting the workshop in an online format can not only keep the momentum going from previous years about also open up participation to a larger group of attendees, increasing impact. Everyone is welcome to attend the workshop, with no limits on registration, since the larger number of attendees we can engage with, the more successful we are in making meaningful impact. This year’s BPart workshop will be expanded to accommodate the changed format of the conference and will include 4 key parts that we invite you to participate in. It is ok if you can only participate in some of these activities, but we hope that all workshop attendees can participate in all parts!

Part 1: 
Generating discussion topic ideas 

Aug 12 - 19
Since we are focused on engaging the IDETC community with discussions surrounding the participation of underrepresented groups in engineering, we first want to hear from you about you would like to talk about. We will be utilizing a digital brainstorming tool Padlet to gather ideas about topics our participants would like to discuss during the Live Workshop event. We invite you to go the "2020 Workshop Padlet" page to add your own ideas about topics you would like to see discussed during the workshop, review other’s contributions, and upvote other ideas. We will leave the Padlet open until [date] and use these ideas to form the basis of the next Parts.
Part 2: 
Asynchronous discussion 

Aug 17 - 19
Because we will be missing out on informal conversations and discussions that typically occur during our in-person meeting, we will be taking these discussions online to Slack. We will start these asynchronous discussions ahead of the conference so that people can connect with one another, begin conversations, and use it as a place to discuss these issues throughout the duration of the virtual conference. We want this space to be a welcoming one, so feel free to start discussions with other participations on any topic related to our missing, but we will be moderating posts according to the Code of Conduct. Go here to get started and introduce yourself in the intro channel. 
Part 3: 
Virtual gatherings 

Aug 17 at 
5:30 pm (GMT-4)

Aug 18 at
8 pm (GMT-4)
After the sessions on Monday and Tuesday, we will be holding virtual gatherings (a.k.a. virtual “happy hours”) on Zoom to connect with others in our community, decompress from the day’s sessions, and bring in a human element to the conference. Please join us for conversation, solidarity, and fun at this link. All are welcome, you do not need to have participated in Parts 1 and 2. We ask that you respect our Code of Conduct. 
Part 4: 
Live workshop event 

August 19 at
1 pm (GMT-4)
The topic of our professional development workshop this year is “The Care and Keeping of Co-Authors”, led by Dr. Charlotte de Vries. Join us for the virtual Zoom session with Dr. Charlotte de Vries for an interactive session with breakout rooms. We will conclude with an open discussion based on the topics you suggested in Step 1, and a visit from the DED Executive Committee.

At 1pm we will present and discuss on co-authors.
At 2:30pm, we will discuss the open topics from Padlet and Slack in breakout rooms.
Bpart backgrounds for zoom

Zoom has a virtual background feature that allows you to display an image as your background during a Zoom Meeting. Turning this feature on means that Zoom will try to overlay your background with an image of your choosing, while showing you in front of that image. Bpart has created several images that you may use during the IDETC 2020 virtual conference. 

There are several ways to enable virtual backgrounds:
In the desktop client
A. Profile Picture > Settings > Virtual Background > Add Image (or select if your desired image is already there).
B. Zoom.us > Preferences > Virtual Background > Add Image (or select if your desired image is already there). 
C. Settings > Virtual Background > Add Image (or select if your desired image is already there). 

In a meeting
D. Any of the above options A, B, or C. 
E. Look for Start/Stop Video, and click the upward arrow (^) next to it > "Choose a virtual background." > Add Image (or select if your desired image is already there). 

If virtual backgrounds option does not show up, the setting may have been disabled, or is not supported by your device.  
For more details see the official Zoom support page: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/210707503-Virtual-Background

Interested in more Bpart?

If you would like to become a member of the Broadening Participation committee and help organize future events such as this, contact any of the committee members. 

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